Growing with the Suburbs

Immanuel First and West Covina - The Early Years
West Covina-- in the San Gabriel Valley-- is the home of Immanuel First Lutheran Church. The church was founded in 1954 under Pastor W. H. Tensmeyer. Dwight Eisenhower was president. Americans were driving big cars with big tailfin lights. Everyone was laughing at Lucy and Ricky on black-and-white TV's.
In the 1950's West Covina was transforming from a farming community into a rapidly growing LA suburb due to the housing boom which followed the end of World War II. According to the official city website, it was at one time the fastest growing city in the United States. In fact, West Covina grew so fast that new homes often had to wait up to two years to be wired for landline telephone service because utilities couldn't keep up with the construction boom.
In September of 1954, amidst all this rapid change, 22 Lutherans gathered at Mean's mortuary chapel on Glendora Avenue for the first services of what was to later become Immanuel First Lutheran Church. "Immanuel" meaning "God is with us" in reference to one of the many names for Jesus and "First" as we were the first congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in the city. Eight months later, the young congregation purchased six acres of land on the corner of Walnut Grove on the banks of the Walnut Creek wash, near the business center of the new developing community. Construction of the original chapel began three months later with the laying of the first cornerstone. Young families of the congregation wishing to provide Christian education for their children formed the first school in 1957, which later with a preschool served the community for over a half century.
In 1970 a second cornerstone was placed to begin construction of a beautiful 300-seat sanctuary. In 2002 the new Sanctuary was renovated to further enhance the worship atmosphere. Around the same time, the original sanctuary was renovated into a Fellowship Hall, with a 100 seat capacity meeting area, Sunday school rooms, kitchen, all internet capable. In 2006 the northwest corner of the church property was developed into a lighted, landscaped parking lot and leased to East Valley Community Health Center for daytime use. In 2007 it earned the church a West Covina City Beautification award for its design and contribution to improving the quality of the community. In 2020, Immanuel expanded its worship ministry to provide online worship to the homebound members, to travelers, and to visitors from all over the U.S.
West Covina-- in the San Gabriel Valley-- is the home of Immanuel First Lutheran Church. The church was founded in 1954 under Pastor W. H. Tensmeyer. Dwight Eisenhower was president. Americans were driving big cars with big tailfin lights. Everyone was laughing at Lucy and Ricky on black-and-white TV's.
In the 1950's West Covina was transforming from a farming community into a rapidly growing LA suburb due to the housing boom which followed the end of World War II. According to the official city website, it was at one time the fastest growing city in the United States. In fact, West Covina grew so fast that new homes often had to wait up to two years to be wired for landline telephone service because utilities couldn't keep up with the construction boom.
In September of 1954, amidst all this rapid change, 22 Lutherans gathered at Mean's mortuary chapel on Glendora Avenue for the first services of what was to later become Immanuel First Lutheran Church. "Immanuel" meaning "God is with us" in reference to one of the many names for Jesus and "First" as we were the first congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in the city. Eight months later, the young congregation purchased six acres of land on the corner of Walnut Grove on the banks of the Walnut Creek wash, near the business center of the new developing community. Construction of the original chapel began three months later with the laying of the first cornerstone. Young families of the congregation wishing to provide Christian education for their children formed the first school in 1957, which later with a preschool served the community for over a half century.
In 1970 a second cornerstone was placed to begin construction of a beautiful 300-seat sanctuary. In 2002 the new Sanctuary was renovated to further enhance the worship atmosphere. Around the same time, the original sanctuary was renovated into a Fellowship Hall, with a 100 seat capacity meeting area, Sunday school rooms, kitchen, all internet capable. In 2006 the northwest corner of the church property was developed into a lighted, landscaped parking lot and leased to East Valley Community Health Center for daytime use. In 2007 it earned the church a West Covina City Beautification award for its design and contribution to improving the quality of the community. In 2020, Immanuel expanded its worship ministry to provide online worship to the homebound members, to travelers, and to visitors from all over the U.S.
Immanuel First & West Covina TODAY
Sharing God's Unchanging Love in Changing Times
West Covina today has grown to be a prosperous, ethnically diverse city of 109,500 people covering 17 square miles. The 10 freeway runs through the heart of town and provides convenient access to our church at the Vincent Avenue exit. West Covina now boasts a huge Edwards Theater by "The Lakes," the Westfield regional shopping center, a huge Emanate hospital (aka Queen of the Valley hospital), the busy Auto Plaza and Restaurant Row, and the Little Manila shopping district at Azusa Avenue and Amar Road. Parks include the historic Hurst Ranch on Orange Avenue, California Street Roller Hockey arena, Galster Park wilderness area and Big League Dreams sports park.
And yet while the West Covina area has changed, the spiritual needs and social concerns of community remain the same. Traditional markers of success cannot fill the deep needs of the soul, nor can they answer questions such as
"What is the meaning of life?"
"Why do bad things happen to good people?"
"What do you mean I am a sinful person?"
"Does God really love me?"
What is needed is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one who died that we might not be cut off from God. Through faith in the saving work of Jesus, we have eternal life. While the world is always changing, Jesus and His love are the same yesterday, today and forever.
Immanuel First continues to share that never-changing Good News with the community, just as we always have since that first service at Mean's mortuary 70 years ago. This is best summed up in our mission and purpose, adopted by the congregation in 2004-- "To share God's love, comfort and hope with all."
In 2024, Immanuel First will be celebrating its 70th anniversary. In celebration, Immanuel has embarked on a Renewal of the Legacy by refurbishing our facilities for the coming generation. We are a link in the chain of ministry started by the founders of Immanuel First so long ago. 70 years of serving God's people and the community! May God bless our ministry to the community for the next 70 years.
Sharing God's Unchanging Love in Changing Times
West Covina today has grown to be a prosperous, ethnically diverse city of 109,500 people covering 17 square miles. The 10 freeway runs through the heart of town and provides convenient access to our church at the Vincent Avenue exit. West Covina now boasts a huge Edwards Theater by "The Lakes," the Westfield regional shopping center, a huge Emanate hospital (aka Queen of the Valley hospital), the busy Auto Plaza and Restaurant Row, and the Little Manila shopping district at Azusa Avenue and Amar Road. Parks include the historic Hurst Ranch on Orange Avenue, California Street Roller Hockey arena, Galster Park wilderness area and Big League Dreams sports park.
And yet while the West Covina area has changed, the spiritual needs and social concerns of community remain the same. Traditional markers of success cannot fill the deep needs of the soul, nor can they answer questions such as
"What is the meaning of life?"
"Why do bad things happen to good people?"
"What do you mean I am a sinful person?"
"Does God really love me?"
What is needed is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one who died that we might not be cut off from God. Through faith in the saving work of Jesus, we have eternal life. While the world is always changing, Jesus and His love are the same yesterday, today and forever.
Immanuel First continues to share that never-changing Good News with the community, just as we always have since that first service at Mean's mortuary 70 years ago. This is best summed up in our mission and purpose, adopted by the congregation in 2004-- "To share God's love, comfort and hope with all."
In 2024, Immanuel First will be celebrating its 70th anniversary. In celebration, Immanuel has embarked on a Renewal of the Legacy by refurbishing our facilities for the coming generation. We are a link in the chain of ministry started by the founders of Immanuel First so long ago. 70 years of serving God's people and the community! May God bless our ministry to the community for the next 70 years.